时间:2020-12-27 14:02:34浏览:2185
美国大学本科申请文书遇到回答why major这样的问题,该怎么写?下面托普仕Alice老师为大家详细解答,同时为大家准备了一些非常好的文书范文,接下来大家一起来看下吧~
很多学生不理解为什么要写这类why文书。难道单单申请这所学校,缴纳50-100美金不退款的申请费还不能表明我的心吗?当然不是因为这个。学校要求申请者写why文书主要出于两个目的。第一是出于对录取接受率的重视。学校希望录取那些真正会来上学的学生。录取接受率对于学校的名气、排名及公众形象非常重要,所以大学对此都非常重视。写why文书是有效预测学生是否会接受录取的方式。学校希望了解学生有多么想上这个项目。在其他背景-成绩、标准化考试、工作经历与课外活动、推荐信-都差不多的情况下,大学,尤其是顶尖大学通常会根据学生的文书做出最后决定。如果学生能够很好地回答“why this university/major”,就很有可能被学校录取。学校要求写why文书的第二个目的是考察申请者是否和学校是good match。学校希望知道学生是否真的可以在这里得到他们希望得到的东西,学校是否可以帮助学生完成梦想,学生是否愿意一直呆到毕业。由于学生第一年后的留存率是大学排名的重要指标,学校对此非常重视。通过why文书还可以预测学生大一之后的留存率。
Student 1: Boston University
I want to study at a reputed university, with a stimulating environment as I have always lived in major cities where I can go to cafes, to hear music, to museums and sports events as part of my everyday life. Boston University has become one of the best in the US; it has top professors and is located in the middle of a historic city, and accessible to everything. It has a strong international relations program which would be perfect for me since I have attended a diverse international school. I noticed all these things when I visited. Given Boston University’s notable reputation and history, I would be excited by the opportunity to attend such a strong and knowledgeable institution…
Student 2: Northwestern University
The most unique trait of Northwestern University is its focus on undergraduate research. I am very interested in biology and chemistry; I just love working in laboratories. In the “Gymnasium”, the Swiss pre-university school, we were often confronted with a problem that we had to solve in groups. Such problems could be as easy as distinguishing water from ethanol, or as complex as building a hydrogen fuel cell. To find a solution we were given time in our laboratory and could ask for practically anything we needed…
A further very good quality of Northwestern University is its rather high rank and great reputation. I seek a good education and definitely appreciate it, if the university I attend is renowned. If I went to a second-rank college I would be better off studying in Switzerland . . .
A last point is the location: It’s just great; right next to the lake, in the nice and cosy town of Evanston. You have the advantages of a small town, such as lots of greenery and a quiet environment, and yet Chicago is very close and accessible…
Student 3: Northwestern University
Because I intend to pursue a career in photojournalism, I see the Medill School of Journalism as the Holy Grail of education. Offering the impressive intellectual and technical resources of a prestigious research university, Northwestern would provide me the confidence of knowing that I would be getting the most forward-focused education in journalism…The quarter system and Medill’s internship requirements create an ideal confluence for exactly that experience…
Northwestern has a gorgeous location. When I visited the campus, I was smitten with Evanston’s cozy feel. Although I initially pictured myself in the heart of a city, Evanston eclipsed this vision. The small town environment is comforting without being limiting, offering plenty of cafés, restaurants, and shops to explore…Meanwhile, Northwestern’s scenic lakeside location is the perfect retreat for studying or relaxing…
Brimming with enthusiasm, Northwestern has infectious school spirit. Because I assume leaving home after eighteen years will be difficult, I count on school pride to bring me a sense of community and belonging. From the famed painted rock to the fountain spewing purple water, the robust loyalty to the university captures my heart . . . In short, Northwestern is my dream school because it embodies everything I value: journalism, incomparable internship opportunities, dance, and an inspiring atmosphere . . .
Student 4: New York University
I’m done being a New Yorker born and raised in sheltered suburbia — I’m ready to get slapped in the face by the unforgiving hand of NYC and to become a true Noo Yawk-ah. While not an accurate representation of what all NYU students think, the NYU Secrets Facebook page constantly posts the thoughts of NYU students resenting the bittersweet independence of such a large, non-traditional school, but at the same time falling in love with the knowledgeable and nurturing faculty and classes.
I’m done dancing around on the outskirts of the arena — I’m ready to plop myself right into the frenzied mist of action. No walls insulate NYU from the sprawling labyrinth of NYC, which is ideal for a unique and exciting college experience…
以上就是托普仕小编为大家介绍的“美国大学本科申请文书why major怎么写”,更多关于美国留学的相关问题,欢迎咨询托普仕高端留学,来自美国前30名校的专家顾问,给您更专业更权威的留学指导。