时间:2020-08-25 15:12:41浏览:2900
The Department of Economics is part of the University of Pittsburgh's Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Economics is one of the school's largest majors, serving more than 1,000 undergraduate students. Our vibrant research community includes more than 50 graduate students working toward their PhDs in economics. Faculty and graduate students explore six fields: applied microeconomics, economic theory, macroeconomics, econometrics, international economics, and experimental economics. The department hosts six different seminars as well as five brown-bag seminars where outside visitors, our faculty, and our graduate students present and discuss their research.
The department hosts the Pittsburgh Experimental Economics Laboratory (PEEL), a leading center for experimental economics research. The lab is equipped with cutting-edge hardware and software and can be configured to run a wide variety of computerized experiments. The Center for Industry Studies supports interdisciplinary research involving social scientists and engineers. Pitt economic faculty members are editors of two journals: Economic Inquiry, and The Journal of Comparative Economics.
Pittsburgh is an exciting place for economics. Faculty and graduate students collaborate with researchers from other Pitt units as well as from Carnegie Mellon University and RAND. Many of our weekly seminars run jointly with Carnegie Mellon's business and policy schools.