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一、计算机科学系(Computer Science Department)
Fifth Year Master's in Computer Science
Master of Science in Computer Science
Accelerated MBA Program
其中Fifth Year Master's Program专为卡内基梅隆大学 CS本科生和AI本科生设计,时长12个月,在大四最后一年的暑假参与研究项目,并在秋天enroll该项目,开始上课。
二、计算生物学系(Computational Biology Department)
Masters of Science in Automated Science
Master of Science in Computational Biology
Masters of Science in Automated Science,项目开设于卡内基梅隆大学的计算生物系(Computational Biology Department),隶属于卡梅知名的计算机学院。
Master of Science in Computational Biology 卡内基梅隆大学的计算生物学M.S. in Computational Biology是一个跨专业学科, 由梅隆科学学院下的生物科学系和计算机学院下的计算生物学系共同授课。更多专业详细形况,欢迎咨询客服或添加VX:Tops6868。
三、人机交互研究所(Human-Computer Interaction Institute)
Accelerated Master of Human-Computer Interaction加速人机交互硕士
Master of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Science (METALS) | 教育技术与应用学习科学硕士
Master of Human-Computer Interaction人机交互硕士
Master of Science in Product Management
四、软件研究所(Institute for Software Research)
Master of Science in Information Technology - Privacy Engineering
Master of Software Engineering
五、语言技术研究所(Language Technologies Institute, LTI)
Master of Computational Data Science
Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems智能信息系统(MIIS)
Master of Science in Language Technologies(MLT)
六、机器学习系(Machine Leaning Department)
Fifth Year Master's in Machine Learning | 机器学习硕士
七、机器人研究所(Robotics Institute)
Master of Science in Computer Vision
Master of Science in Robotics
Master's in Robotic Systems Development