时间:2022-01-14 15:04:13浏览:1539
2、语言成绩:TOEFL总分104(写作24分+;口语26+);IELTS总分7.5,不接受TOEFL MyBest
4、本科GPA成绩:最低本科3.0,但是建议可以达到至少3.25分( 4.0 scale )
“The minimum GPA (grade point average) required for admission to UC Davis is a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale from the undergraduate degree-granting institution. If you have a GPA from a foreign university or a university that does not have a 4.0 scale, your GPA will be converted to the 4.0 scale by graduate program staff. Most successful applicants to our program have a 3.25 GPA or better from the last institution they attended. When submitting the application, you will be asked to digitally upload copies of your transcripts for review. You will also be given the opportunity to submit your transcripts after you have submitted your application. Please remember to upload both sides of the transcript, even if it’s blank. ”
1、三封推荐信Letters of Recommendation
Applicants are required to obtain three letters of recommendation. Once you have started an application, you will be asked to provide the names and contact information of your letter of recommendation writers. The system will then send an automated email to the recommender prompting them to submit their letter. Unfortunately, due to the additional questions required of recommenders, we do not allow letters to come from letter of recommendation systems such as Interfolio. We suggest that you select letter writers who will not only speak to your ability to perform in the classroom, but also showcase your research abilities. Please note, all letters of recommendation must be in English.
2、目的陈述Statement of Purpose
The statement of purpose is an important aspect of the application because it is your opportunity to convey to us your research aims, future goals and overall fit for our program. The directions for the statement of purpose are available year-round on the Graduate Studies website. It’s important to note that this section is limited to 4000 characters, including spaces. Be sure to proofread.
3、个人历史与多样化陈述Personal History and Diversity Statement
This statement should complement, not duplicate, what you have written in the statement of purpose. It serves as your opportunity to tell us more about you as an individual and how you will contribute to the overall diversity of our program. Like the statement of purpose, the personal history and diversity statement is limited to 4000 characters, including spaces.