
时间:2021-11-11 15:18:27浏览:2009







  “Applicants who have taken the GREs and are accepted into the program almost all have a Quantitative score in excess of 740, have scored in a high percentile in the Analytical Writing portion, and have above-average Verbal scores. Median scores of recent MEng class: 680 (165) Verbal, 800 (166) Quantitative, 3.50 Analytical.”


  “In addition, admission is not possible without having the minimum score in each category as set by the Cornell University Graduate School: Writing: 20, Listening: 15, Reading: 20, Speaking: 22. TOEFL scores should be reported to code 2098, which is Cornell's code number.”


  “The College of Engineering, of which we are a part, sets a minimum grade point average of 2.7 for admission. In recent years, demand in ORIE has effectively raised this level above 3.0. However admission is based on the entire application, not on a fixed grade point cutoff. An effort is made to interpret grades from schools other than Cornell on a comparable basis to Cornell undergraduate grades. The maximum GPA at Cornell is 4.3. Applicants from schools using other grading systems (for example, some schools outside of the United States) can report GPA scores on the Cornell basis, but should also report the original GPA, backed up by an official transcript.”



  “It is not necessary to have work experience. The majority of students in the program do not have full-time work experience beyond summer internships. Applicants who have relevant work experience or are interested in changing careers are encouraged to apply if they have the necessary prerequisite courses and excellent mathematical skills. The joint M.Eng./MBA combination is especially appropriate for experienced applicants.”


  “The ideal recommender knows you and is known (by reputation, position, or previous contact) to the admissions committee. We prefer to have at least one written recommendation from a teacher who knows your capabilities. Recommendations from employers or work supervisors should be as specific as possible about what you have accomplished. Recommendations from peers are usually of less value.”


  “A resume submission is required within the application, as it can sometimes be useful in conveying valuable information that does not fit naturally on the application form.”


  “More than 25% of the M.Eng. students in ORIE have degrees in quantitative fields other than ORIE, including other engineering disciplines, math, physics, chemistry, and mathematical economics. These students must have sufficient quantitative ability and background, as reflected in transcripts and GRE scores, and must have the prerequisite courses.”


  “Most students begin the M.Eng. program in the fall semester. For a variety of reasons, including the sequencing of offered courses and the timeline for project activities, completing the M.Eng. program in the traditional fall-spring or fall-spring-fall semester sequence is strongly encouraged. Although students are occasionally admitted to the M.Eng. program in the spring semester, spring admission is typically limited to applicants who are already at Cornell and have been able to participate in project start-up activities that take place in the fall semester. Individuals not meeting these criteria are strongly advised to apply for fall admission. The spring semester starts with registration in mid-January. Applications are due by September 15 of the previous year.”


  运筹学项目全称:运筹学和信息工程(ORIE)工程硕士学位 (M.Eng.)

  这里至少需要30个学分,包括某些指定课程。大多数学生在两个学期内完成课程。如果他们来自 ORIE 以外的本科领域,完成该课程可能需要在开始或结束时额外花费一个暑假,或额外一个学期,具体取决于选择的选项。


  Applied Operations Research (AOR)

  Data Analytics (DA)

  Financial Engineering (FE)

  Information Technology (IT)

  Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (MIE)

  Strategic Operations (SO)

  Systems Engineering



