时间:2021-11-09 16:33:32浏览:2140
“Although we do not expect all students who are not native English speakers to be perfectly fluent in English, a student with serious language limitations will have great difficulty coping with the demands of a new cultural, social and academic environment.
The university and the law school require official score reports of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) before admitting an applicant whose primary language is not English. The minimum score required is 100 on the TOEFL Internet-based test, 600 on the TOEFL paper-based test, or 7.0 on the IELTS. For further details on the English language requirement, including how to request a waiver, please go to the Application Checklist page.”
“Berkeley Law does not have a minimum GPA requirement or a work requirement for LL.M. applications. We do not require or accept the LSAT or GRE. In evaluating LL.M. applicants, substantial consideration is given to grades and English language exam scores. We also consider personal statements, letters of recommendation, legal experience, and other significant professional achievements.”
“Applicants for admission to the LL.M. program must have completed a regular curriculum at an accredited college and/or law school, and must hold a professional degree from a law school by the time they begin the LL.M. program at Berkeley Law. Degrees that meet this requirement vary by country but generally include J.D., LL.B., and Bachelor of Laws; follow the link below for more information. Applicants who hold a J.D. degree from a U.S. law school are eligible to apply.”
1、申请表– 在2021 年 11 月 10 日之前通过 LSAC在线提交执行课程(远程 + 夏季),或 2021 年 12 月 18 日之前通过 LSAC提交传统课程、论文课程或执行课程(两个夏季)
2、$80 申请费 – 提交在线申请时使用信用卡支付
3、个人陈述 – 上传至网上申请
4、履历 (cv) 或简历 – 上传至在线申请
5、官方学术记录- 颁发机构应直接发送给 LSAC
6、两封推荐信——连同他们的推荐信表格上传或发送给 LSAC
7、托福/雅思成绩——要求将成绩报告发送给 LSAC。如果要求豁免英语语言要求,请选中在线申请的英语要求部分下的“是”按钮。
8、论文提案摘要 (仅限论文跟踪申请人) – 上传到在线申请
10、视频评估(仅限行政人员申请)——通过 Kira Talent 在线完成