
时间:2021-08-26 17:23:04浏览:1958




  技巧1. 用补充的语句来回答“为什么”

  The personal statement and the academic statement of purpose are different ways to show the admissions committee the reasons behind your educational and career choices and why the Ford School is the next logical step in your career. The personal statement should reflect your path up to this point. Think of it less as a resume review than as a way to provide additional detail to the information in your resume. In the academic statement of purpose, you should outline your goals for your graduate education.


  技巧2. 在简历中留出空间来提供细节

  Resumes are typically two to three pages in length. You are welcome to include additional detail and provide context about the affiliated organizations and your related work with them. Resumes are the preferred format over CVs.


  First, give them plenty of time to write the letter. Also, provide them with a copy of your resume. If possible, give them a copy of your academic statement of purpose. This is often a helpful starting place and ensures their recommendation is consistent with your statement.


  技巧4. 上传有用的文档

  You are welcome to upload an unofficial copy of your transcript. However, please do not upload a student copy of your grade report. These reports are often very lengthy and do not provide an efficient review of your coursework.


  技巧5. 新问题解释

  A new, additional question in the application asks about your quantitative and analytical preparation. Respond with information about courses you may have taken in college and/or work experiences where you have utilized quantitative skills



  We are always happy to see applicants with policy relevant work experience. However we receive applications from students who've done a variety of interesting things before deciding to do policy. For instance, we have students who have practiced law, worked as investment bankers, and who've taught in public schools. Others have served in the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. Still others have worked as policy analysts on Capitol Hill or done development work for large and small non-profit organizations. While the work you do prior to applying does not have to be in the field of public policy, we would like to see your commitment to public service and policy demonstrated in some way. Involvement in extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and summer internships are some ways for you to demonstrate this commitment. The Admissions Committee is concerned with the evolution of your interest in policy and how your previous work experiences have led you to consider a career in public service.



  In general, the incoming class has GRE scores in and above the 75th percentile. The GRE will not determine whether you are admitted to or rejected from our school. It is used in conjunction with other aspects of your application to determine whether you are equipped to perform well in Ford School classes. There are no minimum



  The median GPA for last year's incoming class was a 3.4. Nevertheless, we consider students with a range of GPAs. Students applying to the Ford School have generally distinguished themselves academically at the undergraduate level. We also consider whether there are factors, outside of school, that affected an applicant's grade point average. If you feel that your GPA does not reflect your abilities, you should include a supplemental essay with your

  去年新生的平均GPA为 3.4。尽管如此,这里还是会考虑具有一系列GPA的学生。申请密歇根大学安娜堡分校公共政策硕士的学生通常在本科阶段在学术上表现出色。这里还会考虑是否存在校外因素影响申请人的平均绩点。如果你觉得你的GPA没有反映你的能力,你应该在你的个人陈述中附上一篇补充文章,解释影响你本科教育的任何特殊情况。


  While you do not need these classes to qualify for admission, it would be helpful to you and to our Admissions Committee to have some idea of your skills in these areas. We recommend that you take an introductory Statistics and Microeconomics course. Exposure to these subjects will ease your transition to the Ford School's quantitative




