时间:2018-12-04 16:53:56浏览:2711
With the Master of Science, students become professionals with knowledge of the underlying principles of the main areas of computer and information systems and theory, and hands-on experience that allows them to participate in the development of new systems. Upon graduation, when confronted with a new problem, students will have sufficient facility with basic techniques and methods to research the technical literature in search of a solution or to devise new algorithmic methods.
A PhD in Computer Science enable students to become experts in a technical subfield of computer science and advance the state of the art by contributing original research in that discipline. Most PhD students also gain practical experience in the classroom, as well as become visible members of the research community by publishing research and through oral presentations at conferences and research seminars. Upon completing the PhD program, students are able to set their own research direction, teach and advise students, and work at the forefront of cutting-edge research in academia or at an industrial laboratory.
1 密码学与信息安全 Cryptography and Information Security
2 计算机视觉 Computer Vision
3 数据挖掘 Data Mining
4 电子商务 Electronic Commerce
5 容错计算 Fault-Tolerant Computing
6 人机交互 Human-Computer Interfaces
7 网络体系架构与服务 Network Architectures and Services
8 网络安全 Network Security
9 操作系统 Operating Systems
10 性能评价 Performance Evaluation
11 编程语言 Programming Languages
12 实时系统 Real-Time Systems
13 计算与算法理论 Theory Of Computation and Algorithms