时间:2021-03-11 16:26:10浏览:2497
现在匹兹堡大学要求为上述申请者写一封推荐信,该申请者已申请加入EMBA课程。 为了使此教育经历对本计划的申请人和其他主管人员都有意义,要求您在提名时尽可能地切合实际。具体匹兹堡大学EMBA推荐信写作内容,可以参考下文:
“1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
2. What is the nature of the applicant’s current position, and what is the level of responsibility involved?
3. What is your appraisal of the applicant’s current job performance?
4. What is the applicant’s management potential, and in what areas of the organization do you see the applicant advancing?
5. How will the applicant benefit from the Executive MBA program?
6. Do you feel that the applicant has the educational background, capabilities, and problem-solving skills required tosuccessfully complete a rigorous MBA program?
7. What are the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses in the following areas?
a. Written communications
b. Oral communications
c. Reading speed and comprehension
d. Mathematical ability (The Katz School’s Executive MBA program includes extensive advanced quantitative coursework.)
e. For international applicants, English language proficiency
8. Was enrollment in the program initiated by the applicant, or was it suggested by others in the applicant’s organization?In your opinion, is the applicant personally motivated to attend and complete the program?
9. Is the applicant’s work or travel schedule likely to interfere with studying or program attendance?10. Will your organization give its complete support to the applicant’s participation in the Executive MBA program”