
时间:2020-06-24 15:45:36浏览:1526




  The sudden development of the Covid-19 emergency during the second part of the spring semester required extraordinary adjustments by our students, instructors, and all at MIT who support teaching and learning. The continuing crisis makes it imperative that we learn all we can from our experiences this spring as we plan for the coming academic year when many if not most of our subjects will include remote components.


  As discussed in my emails to the community on May 3 and May 20, three surveys to gather feedback on the spring semester were developed by the Academic Policy and Regulations Team (“APART”) working in close collaboration with MIT Institutional Research and members of the Office of the Registrar and the Teaching and Learning Laboratory.

  1. A Qualtrics-based Institute-wide Student Remote Learning Experience Survey was conducted in the second part of May, and the results were made available to students on June 5. This survey does not provide information on a subject-by-subject basis but rather aims to evaluate students’ overall experience with remote learning and to understand the challenges they faced this spring.

  2. To enable students to provide specific and useful feedback on how subjects might be improved in remote offerings in the future, a Subject-Specific Survey was also conducted in late May. For reasons discussed previously, this survey did not include any questions calling for numerical ratings but consisted mainly of open-ended questions. Among other things, the open-ended questions provided an opportunity for students to recognize the performance of particular individuals such as teaching assistants. Access to the subject-specific survey results is strictly limited to the respective subject instructors (who are free to share their own results) and department leadership, and to a tightly restricted number of key individuals involved in supporting remote learning at the Institute. The links to results have been provided to each department’s subject evaluation coordinators.

  3. An Instructor Remote Teaching Survey closed on June 15, and the compiled results have just become available, with a total of 765 instructors responding.

  1. 5月下旬进行了一项基于Qualtrics的全院学生远程学习体验调查,结果于6月5日公布给学生。这项调查并没有提供关于各个学科的信息,而是旨在评估学生在远程学习方面的总体经验,并了解他们今年春天面临的挑战。


  3. 一项教师远程教学调查于6月15日结束,汇编的结果刚刚公布,共有765名教师作出了回应。



