
时间:2019-12-25 13:21:35浏览:1778



  Writing the Personal StatementIt is especially helpful for admissions committees considering nominating you for fellowships for diversity if you discuss any or all of the following:

  ★Demonstrated significant academic achievement by overcoming barriers such as economic,social, or educational disadvantage.

  ★potential to contribute to higher education through understanding the barriers facing women, domestic minorities, students with disabilities, and other members of groupsunderrepresented in higher education careers, as evidenced by life experiences andeducational background. For example;

  ☆attendance at a minority serving institution;

  ☆ability to articulate the barriers facing women and minorities in science and engineering fields;

  ☆participation in higher education pipeline programs such as, UC Leads, or McNairScholars;

  ★Academic service advancing equitable access to higher education for women and racial minorities in fields where they are underrepresented.

  ★Leadership experience among students from groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education.

  ★Research interests focusing on underserved populations and understanding issues of racial or gender inequalities. For example,

  ☆research that addresses issues such as race, gender, diversity, and inclusion;

  ☆research that addresses health disparities, educational access and achievement, politicalengagement, economic justice, social mobility, civil and human rights, and other questions of interest to historically underrepresented groups;

  ☆artistic expression and cultural production that reflects culturally diverse communities or voices not well represented in the arts and humanities.


  上面的说明体现了加州大学伯克利分校对弱势群体的关注,所以申请人在进行院校搜索时,找到诸如此类学校的特殊之处时,可以反思自己的经历中是否有与该学校的文化或关注点一致的方面,如果有,那么这些经历就很适合在文书中作为素材体现自己与学校之间的契合度(a good fit)。比方说你申请的是建筑专业,而你有过为残疾人设计生活起居设施的经历,这就很好地契合了学校特点,可以在文书中说:“I have selected Berkeley as my program of choice because of its reputation for commitment to handicapped access,universal design,and related areas of modern architecture and design.” 这就能显示出申请人对学校有清晰的了解。


