时间:2019-07-03 17:01:27浏览:2041
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简写UNC或UNC Chapel Hill),是一所男女同校的公立研究型大学,位于美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山大学城。
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,简写UNC或UNC Chapel Hill),是一所男女同校的公立研究型大学,位于美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山大学城。该大学是北卡罗来纳大学系统最古老的教育机构也是北卡罗来纳州面积第二大的大学。虽然不是第一间被特许的公立大学,却是第一个在十八世纪对外招生的学校,也是唯一有研究生的公立学府。
MAC 711 (3.0 credit hours) Financial Reporting B
MAC 714 (1.5 credit hours) Financial Statement Analysis
MAC 725 (1.5 credit hours) Cost Accounting
MAC 730 (3.0 credit hours) Auditing and Assurance Services o
MAC 743 (1.5 credit hours) Deloitte Corporate Taxation
MAC 775 (1.5 credit hours) Communication
MAC 776 (1.5 credit hours) Leadership: Professionalism and Team Building in Today’s Diverse Business Environment
MAC 884A & B (3.0 credit hours) Leadership, Ethics & Professionalism I & II
MAC 740 (1.5 credit hours) *Individual Income Taxation
MAC 742 (1.5 credit hours) *Tax and Business Strategy
MAC 744 (1.5 credit hours) Corporate Tax II
MAC 840 (.5 credit hours) Tax Research
MAC 841 (3.0 credit hours) International Tax
MAC 842 (1.5 credit hours) Taxation of Flow-Through Entities: Partnerships & SCorps
MAC 713 (1.5 credit hours) **Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions
MAC 715 (1.5 credit hours) **International Financial Reporting Standards
MAC 811 (1.5 credit hours) **Fraud and Forensic Accounting
MAC 830 (1.5 credit hours) Advanced Auditing
MAC 832 (0.5 credit hours) Financial Research
MAC 889 (1.5 credit hours) **IT for Accountants
MAC 703 (1.5 credit hours) Contracts & Business Law
MAC 707 (1.5 credit hours) Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling
MAC 825 (1.5 credit hours) Applied Improvisation
MAC 856 (3.0 credit hours) Global Immersion Elective
MAC 857 (1.5 credit hours) Equity Analysis and Valuation
MAC 861 (1.5 credit hours) Consulting Skills and Frameworks
MAC 863 (1.5 credit hours) Managing Workplace Diversity
MAC 866 (1.5 credit hours) Intro to Derivatives and Securities Markets
MAC 867 (1.5 credit hours) Advanced Corporate Finance
MAC 875 (1.5 credit hours) Agency and Unincorporated Business Associations
MAC 876 (1.5 credit hours) Corporations and Securities Regulations
MAC 877 (1.5 credit hours) Commercial Law
MAC 880 (1.5 credit hours) Negotiation
MAC 898B (1.5 credit hours) Success in the U.S. Workplace Culture