时间:2019-05-13 16:02:30浏览:1879
美国留学西北大学Northwest University科洛格商学院是又一个品牌强大的商学院的例子。科洛格商学院的品牌在于营销和团队学习。很少听到人们谈论美国MBA营销项目而不以科洛格为核心的。甚至这个名字,科洛格,都与数十亿美元的消费产品公司联系在一起。
美国留学西北大学Northwest University科洛格商学院是又一个品牌强大的商学院的例子。科洛格商学院的品牌在于营销和团队学习。很少听到人们谈论美国MBA营销项目而不以科洛格为核心的。甚至这个名字,科洛格,都与数十亿美元的消费产品公司联系在一起。虽然科洛格是营销MBA项目的品牌,但它提供给“消费者”的更多。事实上,科洛格商学院提供了极为灵活的课程,允许学生在各种功能性商业领域专攻,而金融和战略分别是最受欢迎的第一和第二的学习领域。
Has three full-time MBA programs: Two-year, One-year and MMM - Master of Management and Manufacturing, which grants two Graduate degrees in two years. For one-year program need to have taken business courses previously in other academic framework.
Average GPA of admits: 3.59
Average GMAT of admits: 715
Average Age of admits: 28
Kellogg is looking for someone who ideates clear self reflection, speaks with conviction about goals, who they are, why they are interested in MBA, their role and fit with school. Not looking for one-dimensional people.
Be yourself, be confident, without arrogance.
Highly advisable for international students to apply in rounds 1 or 2.
Find a way to convince them that Kellogg is your first choice. They are afraid of being treated as a "safety school" by competitive Harvard/Stanford/Wharton applicants. It would help if they know that if you are accepted, you are coming.
Look closely at work experience- want to see 'quality' of work, contribution to workplace, promotions.
School emphasizes that essays should be insightful, reflective, authentic and honest - don't write simply what think adcom wants to hear.
Think what your experience means for other students, what you can share and how you can contribute.
Don't underestimate military experience - viewed as professional. Adcom has great respect for service to country.
Very large alumni network.
School's Career Management Center offers free lifelong career coaching.
Strong academic program and good relations between professors and students.
Successful record in recruiting to consulting firms.