时间:2019-04-12 11:00:00浏览:2070
美国读电气工程是热门专业,很多留学生都会选择这个专业,电气工程是现代科技领域中的核心学科之一,电气工程简言之就是研究电气的运作与开发。 那么美国读电气工程的研究生奖学金如何呢?
美国读电气工程是热门专业,很多留学生都会选择这个专业,电气工程是现代科技领域中的核心学科之一,电气工程简言之就是研究电气的运作与开发。 那么美国读电气工程的研究生奖学金如何呢?
I. 南加州大学 官网:
2018年US News综合排名:21
性质:私立,男女合校 申请材料: https://viterbigradadmission.u … pply/
Complete and submit the USC Graduate Admission Application ($90 application fee)
Upload Scanned Transcripts(还需要邮寄官方成绩单)
CV/Résumé, Statement of Purpose, Letters of Recommendation
4. Self-Reported Test Scores:Official GRE scores must be sent electronically by ETS to “U Southern Cal,” (ETS school code 4852). A department code is not required as all GRE scores automatically go to USC’s Office of Graduate & International Admission.Official TOEFL/IELTS scores must be sent electronically to USC by the testing service (ETS or IELTS).
电气工程系(Department of Electrical Engineering,缩写:EE)
1.电气工程硕士(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering):
2.电气工程硕士(计算机网络方向)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computer Networks)):
3.电气工程硕士(多媒体与创新技术方向)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Multimedia & Creative Technologies)):
4.电气工程硕士(无线医疗技术方向)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Wireless Health Technology)):
5.电气工程硕士(电力方向)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Electric Power)):
6.电气工程硕士(超大规模集成电路设计方向)(Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (VLSI Design)): 更多申请相关信息 https://viterbigradadmission.u … pply/
II.华盛顿大学 官网: 综合排名:56
性质:公立,男女合校 Admission Criteria For International Applicants https://www2.ee.washington.edu … .html
1.GPA: Cumulative of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.(最好3.7)
2.GRE General Test: The recommended GRE scores for competitive applicants are: Quantitative score of: Institution code 4854
3.Electronic Application and $85 Fee
4.Resume or Curriculum Vitae/ Statement of Purpose/ Personal Statement (optional)/ Three Letters of Recommendation/
5.Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts:上传扫面件,不需要邮寄
6.TOEFL/IELTS 7.Tuition Fee: 31872 电气工程系(Department of Electrical Engineering)研究生开设有以下两个学位项目:
1).电气工程专业硕士(PMP in Electrical Engineering):为期1.5年,偏Professional,无需撰写毕业论文,无奖学金,纯自费项目。属于夜校项目,但可以全日制入读。该项目共45个学分,学费$935/学分(2017-18 学年)。该项目要求申请者本科毕业,GPA不低于3.0,无需GRE成绩,非强制但建议有1-3的相关工作经验
2).电气工程硕士(MS in Electrical Engineering,缩写MSEE):为期2年,偏Research,需要撰写毕业论文,有机会获得RA、TA等形式的奖学金
1.通信与网络(Communications and Networking)
2.电磁与遥感(Electromagnetics and Remote Sensing)
3.集成系统、电路与超大规模集成电路(Integrated Systems, Circuits and VLSI)
4.纳米技术、微机电系统与光电学(Nanotechnology, MEMS and Photonics)
5.电力与能源(Power and Energy)
6.语音、图像与视频处理(Speech, Image, and Video Processing)
7.系统、控制与机器人学(Systems, Controls, and Robotics)